Saturday, 21 July 2012


Our skin may look like a mere shield that protects us against the world outside. But the fact is that it is much more than the "mask" that keeps your insides inside. It is a remarkable complex organ and very unique that reflects your overall health.
So it's worth it to protect it through external and internal forces. To keep skin young and beautiful appearance, it is necessary to provide essential nutrients and protect against external damage. Thanks to some pros, make this goal possible is not at all difficult to achieve.

Here are some tips for a dazzling skin to look young and stay healthy. These tricks involve three skin problems most commonly faced by people of all ages.

Problem # 1: Fine lines and wrinkles

Experts say that the factor responsible for the development of wrinkles and fine lines is mostly sun exposure. But the repeated use of muscles to squint, frown or purse the lips is also responsible. Now, what is recommended to fix this?

Many dermatologists recommend peels. According to them, exfoliate and soften the skin makes fine lines less noticeable. One of the products on the market the most recommended is a cream containing retinol, a derivative of vitamin A, which starts production of collagen, the fiber retaining the skin supple and firm. There is no prescription required and it appears that the results are spectacular. Here are two products to reduce fine lines and wrinkles:

    Intensive restoration treatment with Olay Total Effects of VitaNiacine

    Active moisturizer for the neck and face with Pond's Dramatic Results of glycolic acid.

And, for faster results, between 12 and 16 weeks, you can try Renova, which is a retinoid cream.

If you do nothing else, here is a very effective solution: wear sun screen every day. Many experts note that if you wear sunscreen, your skin will begin to repair the cracks and wrinkles. Choose an SPF 15 or higher though formulas that will protect your skin against UVA and UVB. You can also try the Neutrogena Healthy Defense Daily Moisturizer IPS 30.

Problem # 2: Pore bloated

When it comes to skin pores stretched or expanded, experts say that the main cause of this problem is the accumulation in the pores, dead cells and sebum. What makes the pores open to expand, is the accumulation that occurs over time.

One possible solution to prevent the pores from opening is to expand the regular use of retinoid and alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy acids to make them return to their original natural circumference. This may help purge pores of trapped debris.

Other than that, good habits of skin care, such as not to keep her makeup at night, can help prevent the pores from becoming clogged by sebum. And you must protect your skin against the sun's UV rays that contribute to pore dilation. So avoid extreme sun exposure.

Problem # 3: Tasks brown

The usual cause of development of brown spots on the skin is sun exposure. Perhaps this is why the cells after exposure to sunlight, produce melanin, the natural pigment of the skin, to go over-multiplied.

For dark spots, you can consider laser therapy. Many pros think it's the quickest solution to this problem. This technique is performed by focusing a beam of light that clears the tasks. However, like other clinical techniques, side effects of treatment, eg redness and crusting, may take weeks to disappear, even if the laser energy does not affect the surrounding skin. With laser therapy, about twenty tasks can be eliminated by a 15 minute session. The price is about 250 euros.

There is a much slower option, that does not require downtime for eliminating brown spots - the use of retinoids or alpha-hydroyacides (AHA) combined with bleaching agents such as hydroquinone and acid Kojic. This treatment inhibits the formation of melanin. Retinoids or AHAs alone could take only six months to produce a clear improvement on the skin. This according to Dr. Amy B. Lewis, director of dermatologic surgery at Downstate Medical Center in New York. A product is particularly recommended Alustra, two dermatology product in a container and a concentration of retinol to 4% hydroquinone.

For other solutions, products with antioxidants such as vitamins E and C as green tea are highly recommended. They prevent the appearance of dark spots on the skin by stopping the production of free radicals, destructive molecules that are contributing to the discoloration of the skin. And use a daily broad spectrum sunscreen lotion as well known L'Oreal Ombrelle IPS 30, is a must to eliminate brown spots.

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