Although sometimes the lines and wrinkles appear prematurely as a result of our habitual and unconscious movements such as frowning, laughing or squint.
1)Folk Remedies
Wrinkles Remedy # 1: Mix yeast with water, wheat germ oil or yogurt, then spread this paste over the lines and wrinkles gently pat. Allow to dry before rinsing. This mixture increases the production of collagen and helps smooth out wrinkles.

3)Wrinkles Remedy # 3: gently massage every day on wrinkles cocoa butter or avocado oil.
4)Wrinkles Remedy # 4: Spread a layer of beaten egg white to fill wrinkles, and then let them dry thoroughly before covering them with makeup which makes wrinkles disappear for a couple of hours.
5)Wrinkles Remedy # 5:. Beat egg yolk with a tablespoon of olive oil, spread on the face with a brush or pat, let dry for 10 minutes and then rinse.

6)Remedy for wrinkles # 6 Cut in half seedless white grapes and then pass them around the eyes and mouth, and let the juice dry before applying makeup. Another alternative is to beat the grapes a handful of these fruits in the blender and then apply on the face with gentle taps and rinse after 20 minutes.
7)Remedy for wrinkles # 7 Apply with a cotton ball quality champagne and dried to stretch the bags under the eyes and sagging skin of the neck.
8)Wrinkles Remedy # 8: Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, ½ teaspoon of bee pollen grains with three tablespoons of honey. Then moisten the face and neck with warm water and then cover these areas with this preparation and wait five minutes before rinsing.

9)Wrinkles Remedy # 9: Prepare a homemade anti-wrinkle cream with three tablespoons of olive oil, one tablespoon of honey wax, half a teaspoon of cocoa butter and two tablespoons of rose water. Heat in water bath wax, cocoa butter and olive oil. To melt, mix and remove from the water bath. Cool the preparation and then add the rose water. Blend until a smooth dough. Pour into a clean glass container with lid. Apply at night especially in the areas most prone to wrinkling or prevent wrinkles.

10)Remedy for wrinkles # 10: Mix one teaspoon of the following herbs: borage, calendula, gotu kola and chamomile in 1 cup of water. Boil two minutes, allow to stand ten and filter. Soak a cotton ball and apply to this tea twice a day on the area affected by wrinkles, keeping subject for a few minutes to take effect.
11)Remedy for wrinkles # 11: Rub four times a week fresh cream on the neck and neck area thereby delay the appearance of wrinkles in the neck.

Taking vitamin E (de200 to 400 units) a day which will help maintain cell membranes and protect skin from environmental substances that promote premature wrinkling.
Exercise such as walking, swimming, cycling helps slow wrinkling, as it facilitates blood circulation, bringing more nutrients to the skin, and by stimulating the production of elastic fibers support
Protection from the sun and elements. To do this, use sunscreen if you have to be exposed to the sun and avoid overexposure between 9:00 am and 3.00 pm. Makeup is applied on a moisturizer.

Sun lenses especially in summer.
Avoid sudden weight loss since the skin is prone to sagging and wrinkling.
Avoid late nights, and sleep is the greatest enemy of wrinkles.
Avoid excessive smoking and alcohol abuse.

About the hairline, then directly below, in the middle of the forehead.On the bones below the end of the eyebrow, next to the nose, then the bones at the outer edge of the eyes.
On the depth midway between the nose and upper lip, 1/2 inch beyond the corners of the mouth and the center of the tip of the chin.
Taking a enough sleep and a good diet are most important tips you shared for a wrinkles free skin and this is a best wrinkles removal remedy also. Thanks for this post.