Nail fungus affects the toe six times more than it affects the fingers from shoes and socks to provide an environment that promotes their survival. Fungus infection can be mild, moderate or severe causing much discomfort, itching and pain and sometimes bleeding, calling for medical attention. There are natural remedies for a fungal infection, and prevention tips that work well in the management and treatment of nail fungus.

Know the symptoms
The base and sides of the nails become red and irritated. At the initial stage of infection, only the base and sides of the nail are infected and subsequently, the infection spreads. Usually, discomfort, itching and pain, especially in areas surrounding the cuticles are felt. Sometimes, bleeding may occur and cuticles may also detach from the base of the nail. The nail becomes yellow / green, or yellow / brown with some white spots visible. The affected nail tends to become thick with grooves abnormal, lines, and development of tiny holes.
Prevention of nail fungus
Better safe than sorry. Fungi prefer warm, damp and dark as in swimming pools, changing rooms, showers and spas. It is advisable that you wear sandals, boots, swimming, or water shoes to keep your feet touching the ground.

Make use of cotton socks, silk or pure wool as they absorb moisture or sweat forming on your feet. Nylon and other synthetic socks allow moisture to pass through. Shoes that allow enough air to pass through and moisture to escape are the best.
In case you already have a nail fungus, avoid nail polish for what promotes a favorable environment for fungal growth. Avoid sharing personal items. Dry your feet well to make it difficult for nail fungus to survive, rub hard on the nail to get rid of dead skin and promote circulation.

Immediate treatment is crucial
Fungal infections can be very uncomfortable, painful and sometimes bleed. It is advisable to seek treatment immediately if you notice any discoloration on your nails rather than waiting until the infection gets worse.
There are drugs to treat various fungal infections according to the severity of infection, but some are very expensive and dangerous to health. Natural treatments are safe, inexpensive and very effective. They contain natural ingredients such as:

1) Tea tree oil: A natural fungicide that fights fungus well. Mix it with olive oil and apply on affected areas.
2) Listerine mouthwash: a powerful antiseptic containing a combination of alcohols and compounds which together form a powerful fungus treatment.
3) Apple Cedar Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar mixed with natural hot water in equal quantities works well in the fight against nail fungus. Soak your feet in the solution for 20 minutes and dry thoroughly.
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