The skin on our hands is the most exposed of all the body and dry during the winter because the weather is cold, we are exposed to heating, fireplaces, radiators, etc.., Sources of heat to reduce moisture in the skin, considering that this season is generally not ingested enough water to keep hydrated.

Also, wash the dishes, it is important to use the right detergent, as there are detergents that can damage the skin on hands and be very aggressive to the skin barrier.
A new option is a good lotion that forms a protective layer on the skin, preventing damage to the natural oils and helping to keep hands soft and moisturized.
Also, cut the fat helps to leave the dishes clean.
To maintain good moisture in the hand for the winter, Ma Del Carmen Sanchez dermatologist, recommends:
ü Do not abuse the use of creams containing many fragrances, dyes or alcohol sanitizers.

ü For the skin barrier integrity is maintained, the ideal is that when we use warm water bath, a mild soap or soap substitute, short bath for 5 to 10 minutes and not use scouring pads, sponges or brushes to carve and out of the shower, always apply a moisturizer when skin still feels moist.
ü Every time we make hand washing apply moisturizer to help our skin loses moisture and hydration and not use hot water.
If washing dishes, use the new exception with a moisturizer which has a softer formula that creates a protective layer and helps protect hands from drying washing, helping to maintain the natural moisture and softness skin while washing.
In addition to the short fat as effectively Except Limon.
ü At home in the office or at bedtime is useful a humidifier to help the environment does not become to be using dry heat, as during the winter the humidity is much lower.
ü go out wearing gloves is very good because it protects our hands when handling the cold and also protects from the sun.

ü If the skin is very dry you have to look for products containing petrolatum or lanolin since they seal the moisture in the skin. If the skin is extra dry creams containing lactic acid or urea can be very useful because they also help keep water in our skin.
It is worth mentioning that if the skin is cracked, irritated and even inflamed by the lack of moisture, you have to go to a dermatologist to provide proper treatment to restore moisture and smoothness to the skin.
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