Saturday, 14 July 2012


If the hand salute, pat and are visible to all, are your business card, they reflect much of your picture, age and the life you lead. Therefore they must be attractive and soft to the touch. Besides smooth hands are a delight for the kids, they love if they are well maintained.

The skin and nails of your hands need special care, you always bring clean, well presented and prevent the irreversible effects of premature aging, as the skin of the dorsum of the hand is as delicate as that of the face and dries easily.
Princess Hands
The lack of sebaceous glands, cold, wind, humidity, sun, frequent contact with water, detergents and lack of hydration, coupled with the natural aging, largely affects the skin of your hands, making it rough and without elasticity. Provide early problems and always looks princess hands of these habits:
When do the dirty work, protect them with latex gloves or chamois.
Avoid directly touching chemicals, such as household cleaning.
After any activity, remember to wash them.
After contact with water, aplícales a gentle massage with a moisturizer to combat rough skin.
Before hidrátalas sleep, and if you can, drop overnight cotton gloves. The next day the super-smooth feel.
To remove your dead cells, once a week aplícales hand mask.
Nail extremely feminine

The nails are very important to look your hands full, so also must be well maintained:
If you have nicotine stains on your nails, remove them by rubbing with a lemon.
Do not forget to moisturize and massage your nails when you put lotion on her hands.
Visit your manicure every two weeks.

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